Hand Tig Welding

At Orbital Fabrications


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With more than 35 years’ experience in the orbital & TIG Welding and fabrication industry, we are experts in stainless steel hand TIG Welding.

Manual hand TIG welding is a welding process that uses a tungsten electrode to heat the metal being welded and a shielding gas, commonly argon, to protect the weld puddle from airborne contaminants. This allows for discrete, clean welds enhancing the appearance of the product without jeopardising the integrity of the welding.

The range of fabrications that we weld can range from micro TIG assemblies such as fine gauge bellows, through to 6″ bore valve stubs.

Orbital Fabrications is accredited to the BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004+A2:2012 and ASME-IX welding standards.

Our integrated approach delivers high performance manufacturing and installation solutions for our clients

Hand TIG Welding:

Orbital Fabrications carry out TIG Welding for a large variety of customers from the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, chemical, aerospace, automotive, food and dairy industries, through to universities and research laboratories.

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